The Glory of Creation

Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” 1:31 “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day.

My lovely flower bed by Mama Pine

Creation is beautiful.  Its complexity and diversity is amazing.  A single leaf contains millions of pores and the dynamic process of photosynthesis blows my mind.  By absorbing sunlight, they produce oxygen and sugars that then provide energy to all living creatures and sustain life.

Deep underground is the “wood wide web” which consists of networks of fungal organisms interacting or “talking” in a symbiotic relationship with the roots of the plants that appear above ground. This provides a network or means of chemical communication between the many organisms that dwell within that web.  Fascinating, aye?  If you are really curious, go to

The mighty oak produces thousands of acorns a year which provide food for a multitude of creatures including birds, deer, squirrels, bears and even humans.  Of the many produced, a small percentage will germinate and grow into another mighty oak to produce even more acorns to continue sustaining hundreds of creatures through its generous bounty.

I love to talk about Creation.  Most of my awake time is spent outside in my yard.  I know I talk about my yard a lot, but if you have been keeping up with my posts, you know why.  It is a never-ending display of creation’s glory.

How adorable is this? (Taken a few weeks ago)

Today’s post is about the White-Tailed deer that visit each day.  A few weeks ago, this little one came out from the woods and was brave enough to stay for a few minutes before darting back into the woods.  Do be sure to click on photos to open up a large view in a new tab!

Browsing on the wild scuppernong grape vines that literally cover the edges of my woods, was a buck with his antlers growing pretty well.

Browsing amongst the grape vines.

Here two does are chowing down on some cracked corn that I put out for them.  I used to put it out just an hour or so before sunset.  However, they started coming as early as 5pm.  They will be standing in the woodyard waiting for me to come outside.  When I do, they STARE at me as if to say “Hey!  Where’s the food”?  Some of the does will back off a little ways while I carry the bucket out there; others leap away, white tail flagging, into the back woods.  As do many of the other animals, they always enjoy  a stop at the Mineral Lick.

Chow time

Mineral Lick-ing time

I did my best on this next shot to capture all the deer (one buck and three does) that were here at the same time.  The buck is the one in the right forefront.  They were all moving at different times, so it was a little difficult to get them all to stand still while I was photographing them!  Ha ha

(That is not a little fawn laying in the grass in the background.  My grandchildren have Siamese cats and the oldest one died of old age. We put a little deer ornament to mark its grave).

Job 12:7-10 “But now ask the beasts, and they will teach you; And the birds of the air, and they will tell you; Or speak to the earth, and it will teach you; And the fish of the sea will explain to you. Who among all these does not know That the hand of the Lord has done this, 10 In whose hand is the life of every living thing, And the breath of all mankind?

Psalm 50:10-11 “For every beast of the forest is mine, the cattle on a thousand hills. I know all the birds of the hills, and all that moves in the field is mine.

And how much more so does He know and care for each of us?

For Jesus said in Matthew 6:26 – “Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?

Sweet Lord Jesus, thank you so very much for the beauty that you created to surround us each day with boundless blessings and love.  Teach us to be grateful for all you provide us.  Help us to remain focused on YOU and to look past the distractions of this world that the enemy loves to throw in our faces every day .  Remind us how truly dependent all of Creation is on You and how You created all of your creatures to co-exist in sweet and perfect harmony.  May Your Glory always shine through us in open witness of your bountiful Love.  Amen.



About forrealone

If you hear the birds in the morning and smile, greet each day with a bowed head of thanksgiving, and believe Our Creator is a loving, forgiving Father; you are a lot like me! I have lived all over the world and am now settled, (or should I say nestled?) In beautiful North Carolina. I spend my days in careful contemplation of all that is around me but most especially my precious Father. I have a beautiful family whom I love and who loves me. And, don't even get me started about my grandchildren! If you would like to contact me, my e-mail address is:
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2 Responses to The Glory of Creation

  1. suzen127 says:

    Another fascinating blog of our glorious Creator. I learn so much every time and I appreciate it. I love the “wood wide web” information.

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