Florence Aftermath

Rivers are still flooding in North Carolina.  Some have started to recede; others have not.  It may not be until next week before they are down to flood stage!  The sewage, chemicals and debris that have washed into and up out of the rivers as they flooded have left an environmental disaster and health risk for many of our residents.  Most flooded houses will not be able to be lived in anytime soon, if ever again.  And keep in mind that it was only two years ago that a good percent of these same folks were flooded out just as badly by Hurricane Matthew.

One of my dear friends has a son in the Raleigh police department.  A few days ago, one of his superiors called  her son to see if he would be willing to volunteer for 10 days or so down in Wilmington.  He was and is there now.  His Alma Mater is there where he earned his degree in Criminal Justice.  I can only imagine the horrors and challenges he must be facing.  I look forward to hearing about his mission down there.  Well, I don’t know if “look forward” are the right words.

Disasters will continue around the world and they seem to be worsening and occurring more frequently.  Perhaps some may think that is because events are covered so well by the news these days that we simply hear about it more now than before.  Others may believe that this is the “signs of the end times”.  I believe it is simply the response of Creation to the sins of mistreatment by humans.  It could be climate change, since cycles occur on a regular basis.  But, taking all the facts/evidence of the effects of our actions on Nature,  I still think we had/have a lot to do with it.  This is not for debate because I do not claim to know the “truth” about that, simply my opinion as you have your right to yours.

I believe there are lessons to be learned here.  Not the “be prepared just in case” kind of lesson.  I think this is a good time for all of us to re-establish our communion with Our Lord.  Open up our hearts to His Spirit.  Regardless of what external events or influences may occur, the only effect they can have on us will depend on where we are in our relationship with Him.  Jesus said ” I am the way, the truth, and the life”   That is all we really need to know.  Following Him and the examples He set forth while He walked on this earth will create for us a much higher plane of existence (the Spirit Realm) and bring us to an awareness that what is here in this realm really doesn’t matter as much as we think it does.

I believe in being in and walking by the heart-led way.  When His Spirit is in communion with my spirit in my heart and I let that rule, I am in such a more peaceful state than when I let my mind rule.  I’ve talked about it before in other posts.  You can search for “heart-led” if you like.

May you find the heart-led way.  The path it will take you on will change your life forever.

About forrealone

If you hear the birds in the morning and smile, greet each day with a bowed head of thanksgiving, and believe Our Creator is a loving, forgiving Father; you are a lot like me! I have lived all over the world and am now settled, (or should I say nestled?) In beautiful North Carolina. I spend my days in careful contemplation of all that is around me but most especially my precious Father. I have a beautiful family whom I love and who loves me. And, don't even get me started about my grandchildren! If you would like to contact me, my e-mail address is: forrealone@earthlink.net
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